Institutional Advanc.


The University of Rwanda’s Mission is to support the development of Rwanda by discovering and advancing knowledge, committed to the highest standards of   academic excellence, where students are prepared for lives of service, leadership and solutions. It is worth noting that highest standard targets require distinguished    administration, helpful tools for efficient and effective management which is the rationale of the Institutional

Advancement sub program. To ensure that a conducive research environment is in place, there is still a need of an administration that works appropriately; his component is all about efficient and   effective administration reflected by able administrative and support staff in the units funded by UR-Sweden Program for Research, Higher Education and Institutional Development as well as other key units such as Finance, Human      Resources, Registry, Students Services that are not directly supported by the   Program.

As the leading institution of higher education in Rwanda, UR is undeniably the main actor in the implementation of MDGs, the country vision 2020 and EDPRS 2, bearing in mind the University values of social responsibility and the norm of public accountability.

In fact, UR-Sweden Program support was basically putting emphasis in PhD training for academic and research staff, infrastructure development such as Library support and ICT, as well as the Management by supporting the Research Directorate and the Coordination Office.

Therefore to ensure that research environment is in place and supportive, there was a need of an administration that works appropriately and harmonized system with clear policies and procedure manuals; which is the rationale of the Institutional Advancement sub-project. This component is all about efficient and effective administration reflected by able administrative staff in the units funded by UR-Sweden Program as well as other key units such as Finance, Human Resources, Registry and Students Services that are not directly supported by the Program.

General objectives

The overall objective of the sub- program is to contribute to an environment more conducive for research and postgraduate training at the University of Rwanda.