Sustainable Economics Research

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The Programme is implemented by the School of Economics, the College of Business and Economics (CBE) at University of Rwanda in partnership with the Department of Economics, based at the School of Business, Economics and Law, of the University of Gothenburg.  The main prioritised components of the program includes; admission of  PhD students with course work at CBE, and undertake research in sectors of relevance for Rwanda (Agriculture, Manufacturing and Service sector and within proposed sub-themes) across prioritized areas of, Environmental and Development Economics, Labour economics and Public economics. The Programme strives to contribute to the increasing demand for technical expertise and economic analysists in the public and private sectors and within the civil society with economics analysis skills to implement national priorities.

The partnership between the two universities focuses to produce PhD holders in the newly accredited PhD program in economics, in combination with efforts to improve the research capacity within the School of Economics at the College of Business and Economics. In the co-teaching and co-supervision of the  PhD students, the Programme makes School of Economics at UR less dependent on foreign senior researchers and to maintain its PhD programs at acceptable standards.

For the University of Rwanda to be relevant in the national development and transformation agenda, it has to enhance its role in searching for shared solutions that involve a triple helix approach where the research capacity building in economics will include the public, the private sector and civil society. Just as the development challenges are multi-dimensional, solutions can be ascertained by multi-disciplinary capacity building in all branches of economics and applied statistics and indeed the activities in the research area build on what has been accomplished under the current Sida support of the College of Business and Economics.

The overall objective of the Programme is to strengthen institutional sustainability through improved relevance and quality in education and research at UR/School of Economics

The specific objectives

  • To establish a more conducive environment for research and postgraduate training at UR/School of Economics
  • To improve the quality and relevance of post graduate teaching at UR/School of Economics
  • To increase the quantity, quality and relevance of research at UR/School of Economics
  • To increase the use of research produced by UR/School of Economics faculty and faculty in the collaborating institutions in policy making in Rwanda
  • To improve the UR/School of Economics’ interaction with the Rwandan policymakers, stakeholders and society at large.



Team Leaders- Sustainable Economics Research

Team Leader
Deputy Team Leader
Team Leader
Deputy Team Leader